Monday, May 16, 2011


You're probably aware that I have moved to Reno for my last year of pharmacy school.

It's been a surreal experience thus far because I have never lived in a big city, nor have I had a roommate. Also, coming from the uber conservative land of Southeastern Idaho, it's a joy to see that stores are open past six. And I can apparently buy liquor in the grocery store.

Today was the first day of rotations. My first rotation is hospital - meaning I'll be spending the next six weeks learning how hospital pharmacies work. Turns out, though, that I technically wasn't supposed to start until tomorrow. I was given a tour with my fellow students, then told I was free to go.


Months of vague apprehension, weeks of nervous panic, a morning in which I likely drove my roommate insane by pacing around staring at lab values (in case you were wondering, a normal potassium level is 3.5-5.5 mEq/L. You're welcome) and it culminated in two hours of hospital tour and a free afternoon.

My instinct was to return to the apartment and study. It's been my go-to move for three years. Problem is, I have no idea what to study. I have no hospital experience. Do I memorize various IV dosage forms? Do I fumble through two-year-old notes on fluids? Do I continue this morning's frantic reading of the pharmacokinetic textbook trying to re-learn equations for dosing antibiotics?

I settled on a continued review of lab values and working on the doom sweater.

Also baking french bread for tonight's spaghetti dinner.

I figured it's better to relax on this last possible day before going in at 7:30 tomorrow for the start of my rotations. And hope I'm more relaxed tomorrow morning than I was today.

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