Monday, May 30, 2011


Or, what I do when I actually have some.

The last three years of my life have been spent either sitting in class, going to work, or studying. I have had precious little in the way of free time - or, rather, time not spent feeling guilty about not studying. Now that I'm working four ten-hour shifts, I get three day weekends. Glorious three day weekends. Three days of NOT HAVING TO STUDY ANYTHING.

This was going to be a long-overdue accordion post, but my roommate got home early and I didn't want to subject her to the horrors of accordion practice. We've only lived together for three weeks. I'd rather wait a bit longer before she loathes my very existence.

That said, I spent this weekend in a cooking fervor because it was snowing and I was too much of a wuss to go hike. Yes, snowing. I feel like I never left Idaho.

First, I made mushroom soup. I probably should have gotten more than one type of mushroom, but it was still pretty tasty. This recipe could use some tweaking though, so I'll be experimenting with this again. I might post the instructions once I'm satisfied.

Then I was hunting through my cookbooks and found a recipe for caramel pecan rolls. Note the total lack of pecans in the picture - this is because pecans are insanely expensive and I am poor. Someday, when I am a pharmacist and won't balk at paying $4 for a tiny bag of pecans, these rolls will be covered. Even without gold-encrusted nuts, these were pretty tasty.

-- slight interruption due to cooking disaster followed by airing out of the apartment --

I just attempted to make lemon chicken for a salad. I followed the recipe exactly but halfway through something went terribly, terribly wrong.

Our smoke detector is quite loud, in case you were wondering. And it seems that evil bastard citrus is still determined to be my cooking kryptonite. This is where I fall to my knees and scream "LEMOOOOON" at the sky a la William Shatner.

At least there wasn't any fire.



    *lol* And it actually hasn't been snowing here. Lots of rain. Maybe some snow flurries in the higher places. But mostly rain. And the river is so hardcore flooding.

    You should come make me food. I'll give you cupcakes.

  2. It was 82.4 F here the other day, bright sunny skies! Regardless, I'd like to second Sarah's statement. YOU NEED TO PLAY VIDEO GAMES!

    Did you ever finish psychonauts?

  3. Hey, I beat Portal 2 this week!

    I haven't finished Psychonauts yet though . . . I'm getting to it. There are a lot of video games I need to beat!
